Sunday, March 06, 2005

Feb Celebration Springs Two From Club

'04.5's Zabs and Bags don their mortarboards and their skis and hit the slopes.
The Snow Bowl ski parade with caps and gowns may not have happened exactly like it shows in the Midd publicity photos (I never found out for sure) but club stalwarts Charlie Zabriskie and Tim Bagley did graduate from Middlebury this past February. 'Zabs and Bags', both shared some of their post- graduation thoughts in recent emails.

Following graduation and a bit of 'running around the eastern seaboard' Charlie shared his thoughts in a March 3 email:

Feb "Celebration" was all it was cracked up to be and more. Tim Bagley and I, along with the other Febs, did in fact ski down in our cap and gowns, most graduates also with a bottle of champagne in tow, to be welcomed at the bottom by hundreds of cheering friends and relatives. It was a beautiful, cloudless day, about 50 degrees in the sun, and great snow conditions believe it or not. The day started around 9am in the chapel where we received our Gameliel Painter canes (we actually do not receive our diplomas until May).

We then boarded the buses and went right up to the snowbowl for a 1pm ski-down. I must admit that coming to Middlebury as a February student put me a little bit behind the eight-ball- I didn't live in a freshman dorm, I didn't start playing rugby as soon as I would have had I come in the fall, and I basically felt "late".

However, doors opened for me from the moment I stepped on campus (as they do for all students, and febs in particular), and my excuse of being a "Feb" got me a long way. Anyway, this quirky graduation celebration was a phenomenal conclusion to an otherwise "traditional" 4 years at Middlebury.

Feb or Reg, I think I speak for all MCRC alums, my time here was undoubtedly highlighted by my experience with the rugby club. (You are reading this, right Ward?)

Life now consists of running back and forth between home and NYC for interviews. I am on a path towards a career in Real Estate Development, which I am very interested in, and eager to begin. However even with an improving market, the Real Estate business is a difficult one to break into. I've had some very promising interviews, but the openings are just not presenting themselves.

I'll keep at it though, and I'll keep you posted.
Thanks, Charlie Zabriskie

And on February 22, Tim Bagley shared his views of the Feb Celebration:

Yep, the rumors are true; I have received Gamaliel's cane, and become a member of the illustrious alumni. :) Contrary to rumor, I did not ski down the bowl with a [mortar]board on (Though it would have been fun), but donned my trusty pair of rental skis and took to the slopes for the first time in four years.

The celebrations were great- very informal and comfortable - which resonated greatly with the stereotypical Feb spirit. So, it has been an amazing, albeit interesting, journey, and I will miss the campus, the classes, the people, and, above all, my teammates and the game.

I have relocated to Washington D.C. and moved into a small apartment in the Dupont Circle area with my girlfriend. I'm unemployed, but gearing up for the big search. I am interested in working in publishing, perhaps for a literary magazine, or for a non profit organization in the area. It is a big change, coming from small-city-New-Hampshire, and having spent the past 4.5 years surrounded by farm lands and the smell of manure in Vermont, but I am adjusting well and loving it!

One of my girlfriend's coworkers, who I went to highschool with, has already proclaimed that he has recruited me to play on his rugby club here in the city. I have not been to any practices yet, but I am eagerly awaiting the onset of spring, so I can get out there and start playing again.

You can reach me at my new email, I look forward to the emails!
Take care, Mike! Best,Tim


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