Game On!
On Saturday, September 17, 2005 at 2:30pm the MCRC will kick off the season against Boston University at Moakley Field in Columbus Park, South Boston (in MAssachusetts, USA). Ignore anything you may have read to this point to the contrary about this game - this is the real deal straight from Coach Ward.
It is assumed the B GAME will follow about 4:00pm or so.
The field is being offered up courtesy of the Boston Men's Club.
Please email me at work or at home if you have any questions.
Directions to Moakley Field: (These directions assume you can find your own way to South Boston...)
From the South: take 93 (Rte.1) North to Exit 15 (Columbia Rd.).Take a right off exit and follow round-about to other side.Follow Columbia Road towards ocean, field is on your right.
From the North: Travel 93 South through the City to Exit 15 (Columbia Rd.).Take a left off Exit, cross bridge and go 3/4 away around rotary.Follow Columbia Road towards South Boston and ocean, field is on your right.
From the T: get off at Red Line UMass Boston T stop. You will see the park as you walk towards the water in the direction of South Boston.
The fields are by the skating Rink behind the football stadium.
Thanks to the anonymous MCRC Friend of Rugby who sent these directions to Ward... Put off the lawn work and drive to South Boston - the weather will probably be fabulous.
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