Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Social Hour Is On

Festivities Amidst Balmy Weather Planned
To all Friends of Rugby planning on attending the Williams – MCRC match this weekend, Saturday Sept 24, please plan on sticking around after the games for a little old fashioned 'Introduce Yourself' Social Hour.

Actually the plan is for a Pot Luck Social Hour. If you can, bring something to share with the group. Personally, I shun Pot Lucks that are overly organized with people assigned to bring this or that... We Garners are much more relaxed about it, so, like Jim Bransfield used to say, “If you all bring cheese dip, then we are all eating cheese dip” or words to that effect.

There will for sure be wine and cider, a bunch of cups, and maybe even some name tags. Hopefully someone will think to bring some food and if someone else wanted to bring a great big ‘ol English oak sideboard, well that would certainly lend an air of old-school class to the event.

Hope to see you at the pitch South of Kenyon Ice Arena. MCRC has always had good matches with Williams College. Men's matches start about 1:30 - 2:00 - get there early and don't miss the HAKA. Come even earlier and see the MCRC women's matches starting at 11:00am against Castleton College.


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