Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Attention: Driver Needed - RIGHT Now


To all Friends of Rugby heading down to Nationals in Florida: Coach Ward is looking for a driver for one of the vans while the team is in Florida. The catch is you have to be at least 25 years old. OK, that pretty much covers the majority Friends of MCRC that will be in Florida in nineteen days...

Ideally, Ward needs a driver on April 19th through the 23rd. Three vans are used to transport all 32 people associated with the team on a several-times-a-day basis to food venues, the hotel, the practice fields, etc. Two drivers have been secured; one is needed.

Heck, if I were going down, I would have already volunteered and there'd be no reason for this post, but.... nope, can't go. (Here is the request/warning to my sidelines eyes and ears peoples: please plan to have your cell phones turned on game day so I can receive progress reports on the action.)

FOR NOW, please contact Coach Ward at his campus email address: wardpatters@middlebury.edu and make his day.

That is all. Post on Yale match last weekend is upcoming...


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